Boliviano Parallel Exchange Rate Tracker
The best source to know the parallel exchange rate of Bolivianos to Dollars.
Current Parallel Exchange Rate
Current Official Exchange Rate
About BolivianBlue
BolivianBlue is your reliable source for the parallel exchange rate in Bolivia. We provide up-to-date and accurate information on the value of the dollar in the Bolivian informal market, commonly known as 'Bolivian blue'. Our service is constantly updated to reflect market fluctuations, allowing our users to make informed decisions about their foreign currency transactions. We understand the importance of the parallel exchange rate in the Bolivian economy and how it affects businesses and individuals alike. The 'Bolivian blue' emerges as an alternative to the official exchange rate, more closely reflecting the economic reality of the country. Our goal is to provide this vital information in a clear and accessible manner, helping our users navigate the complexities of the foreign exchange market in Bolivia.
Whether you are planning a trip, conducting business transactions or simply monitoring economic trends, BolivianBlue provides you with the data you need. Our platform is easy to use and is designed to provide fast and accurate information with just one click. Trust BolivianBlue to keep you informed about the currency market in Bolivia. Because when it comes to the value of your money, accurate information is power.